Every tool is a poem (chaque outil est un poème)
Performance l4bouche + Claire Williams
l4bouche (Cindy Coutant + Estelle Benazet H.) joins Claire Williams to embody the voice of Zoë Sofia: from her writings, they reconstruct her sharp plea for an eradication of excremental births and exterminist practices of the military-industrial complex. The academic work becomes an fragmented and burning. The words slice and strike; the antennas of Claire Williams capture the electromagnetic vibrations and extraterrestrial presences for a journey through the bodies.
Performance l4bouche + Claire Williams
l4bouche (Cindy Coutant + Estelle Benazet H.) joins Claire Williams to embody the voice of Zoë Sofia: from her writings, they reconstruct her sharp plea for an eradication of excremental births and exterminist practices of the military-industrial complex. The academic work becomes an fragmented and burning. The words slice and strike; the antennas of Claire Williams capture the electromagnetic vibrations and extraterrestrial presences for a journey through the bodies.
“Let's take a perspective
let’s name this perspective the sexo-semiotics of technology
a type of psychoanalytic ethnography concerned
with the poetics and erotics of tools
Within the sexo-semiotics of technology every tool is a poem
every tool is a poem
every tool is a poem
every tool is in itself the work of poetic operations which hollow out,
and over-work matter and energy
across space and time.”
“Adoptons une perspective
nommons cette perspective la sexo-sémiotique de la technologie,
un type d’ethnographie psychanalytique soucieuse
de la poétique et de l’érotique des outils.
dans la sexo-sémiotique de la technologie chaque outil est un poème,
chaque outil est un poeme
chaque outil est un poeme
chaque outil est le travail
d’opérations poétiques qui évident,
et éreintent la matière et l’énergie
à travers l’espace et le temps.”
let’s name this perspective the sexo-semiotics of technology
a type of psychoanalytic ethnography concerned
with the poetics and erotics of tools
Within the sexo-semiotics of technology every tool is a poem
every tool is a poem
every tool is a poem
every tool is in itself the work of poetic operations which hollow out,
and over-work matter and energy
across space and time.”
“Adoptons une perspective
nommons cette perspective la sexo-sémiotique de la technologie,
un type d’ethnographie psychanalytique soucieuse
de la poétique et de l’érotique des outils.
dans la sexo-sémiotique de la technologie chaque outil est un poème,
chaque outil est un poeme
chaque outil est un poeme
chaque outil est le travail
d’opérations poétiques qui évident,
et éreintent la matière et l’énergie
à travers l’espace et le temps.”