Cindy Coutant is a visual artist based in Geneva. Her films, installations and augmented readings focus on the slimy aspects of life intertwined with technology, the triumph of slobber over language, and the dumb whims of the western world to master an elusive nature.

Complice @La HEAD - Genève

Co-founder of l4bouche
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. The future is unmanned @Liveinyourhead - Genève (CH)
. Temps de Mars, Musée des beaux-arts, La Chaux-de-Fonds (CH)
. Sounds of Earth Part. 2: Afterlife, mixtape w/ Théo Pozoga (commissioned by FRAC Corsica)
. Entretien (fr) @Trou Noir

· 1984-2024 : Désarmer le grand récit de la technologie. Sexo-sémiotique high tech et grammaire du futur, soutenance de thèse, 08.02.24 @Fresnoy
. Les heures sauvages + Anarkhè-exposition @CWB Paris (FR)
. TechXploitation @Amicale du futur, Lyon (FR)

︎ l4bouche

Written during the election of Donald Trump as President of the United States, the first episode of Stream me river reports on a survey conducted in the future. The reading is enhanced by videos, images and live discussions of “crawlers” incarnated by synthetic voices that search the internet and generate, through a program, their own body of texts. These pointers are enigmas to be solved in order to catch sight of a society surrounded by an extreme linguistic capitalism.

The Perfect Fluid is the 2nd episode of the Stream me a river serie. Back from the future, Val and Jean-Claude are on the roof of a building, just before the Apocalypse. The bodies observe each other and come closer, until they experience a carnal fusion with meat fallen from the sky.

In Hypersoupe, 3rd episode of the Stream me a river serie, Val waits for a message from Jean-Claude.
In this semi-improvised reading for smartphone and voice, we dive into a love story at a distance. While setting up the expectation of the text message that does not come, the performance draws a molecular landscape of stream and notifications that repeat, modify, and harmonize themselves.

1. Stream me a river
2. Stream me a river 2: Le fluide parfait
3. Stream me a river 3: Hypersoupe

Augmented readings, prod. Productions Rhizome (Québéc,CA), Le Wonder/Liebert (Bagnolet, FR), Le Printemps de Septembre (Toulouse, FR)